Some dates for your diary:


Sunday 28th July ……..Rev. Andrew

Sunday 28th July ……. Ulster Scots Gospel Service in Curch Hall

Sunday 4th August ……. Rev. Andrew


Sunday School

It is hoped that Sunday School will be able to meet every Sunday from September.  A provisional rota has been drawn up and if you would like to help in any way please contact Andrew.  There’ll be a job for you to do which might not necessarily mean teaching!


Christian Aid Week 

12th to 18th May – some information from Helen Stewart our Church Christian Aid Organiser

Many thanks to all who contributed or helped with collections etc.     

The total collected in the Larne area was £11,750 !

Cairncastle Church contributed approx. £1,800 including Gift Aid.


Singing Group/Choir


Girls Brigade

Girls Brigade has finished until September

Sunday School

It is hoped that Sunday School will recommence on every Sunday of each month from September!!

If you feel you could help with the Sunday School please speak to Jenny or any Elder.

Please pray for this vital aspect of our congregation’s life and witness.’



Charity Commission

The Church Charity Commission submission: