
Rainbow Club meets in the  Lecture Hall on Tuesday mornings from 10am-12noon from  late September to May. The group is for all parents, grandparents and child minders who care for babies or toddlers of pre-school age and offers an opportunity to meet and socialise with other families in the community. If this sounds like it applies to you do come along or encourage anyone whom you know with children in this age group to come and share in the friendship and fun.

Rainbow Club meets on Tuesday Mornings from 10am – 12 noon. (late Sept to May).

We are available for use by the local community – parents, grandparents and child minders with babies or toddlers of pre-school years are very welcome to attend.

Our aim is to provide a safe and friendly informal environment for everyone. We provide a play facility for toddlers to explore with their parents or other guardian and enjoy rides on toys, books, puzzles, music, nursery rhymes, story time crafts and lots more.

Refreshments are available for everyone.

We look forward to welcoming you,  so come along and meet other families!